Nich Von


Like many of us, it is through the door of suffering that I entered through the dharma gate. Understanding the inevitability of pain, the causes leading to suffering, the possibility of cessation from suffering, and the skillful means in which to do so I set out on my journey of healing. Understanding the three truths of Impermanence, Suffering, and Selflessness we can liberate ourselves from the dream of a permanent separate self that keeps us in bondage!
— Shen Yi Nich Von

Who: Shen Yi Nich Von is a singer, song writer, plant medicine practitioner, ceremonialist, wild crafter, medicine maker, certified Mindfulness Meditation Mentor and Teacher, interfaith minister, Mondo Zen Facilitator and in training as a Zen Priest in the Rinzai lineage of Zen Buddhism.

He has been working with the native plants for years and walking the Red Road, the Native American spiritual path. Nich’s unique synthesis of Zen Buddhism, plant medicine, and Indigenous wisdom teachings has deeply shaped his view of the world and his approach to working with people.

What: In his healing practice he works mainly with the psycho-spiritual aspects of plant medicines and the buddha dharma, helping people remember their relationships with the spirit of the land. He has dedicated his life to helping build the foundations of a renewed, intact culture so that all beings may one day be able to live in a sane, healthy world in peace and harmony with nature.

As a ceremonialist he uses the healing power of music, plants, the word through story, prayer and dialogue, didactic teachings, and the power of community to transmute limiting beliefs.

When: click here to view upcoming events, classes, and more.

Why: Having taken the 4 awakened vows of the bodhisattva I vow to uphold the following;

  1. However enumerable all beings are, I vow to serve and liberate them all.

  2. However deep and elusive my shadow states are I vow to experience and enlighten them all.

  3. However vast and difficult true teachings are, I vow to embody and master them all.

  4. However endless my true path may be, I vow to awaken! and follow forever.